
Various companies today provide Internet services in a number of mediums that depends upon the various geographical and demographic factors. The mediums for Internet services include satellite, cable broadband, ISDN, DSL, and dial-up.

The cable Internet service is provided by a tie-up between the local cable TV company and an ISP (Internet Service Provider). A television signal occupies 6 Mhz on the coaxial cable, which is used to deliver cable television signals. There is a lot of unused space left over in the coaxial cable that can deliver broadband Internet.

Cable Internet speed is inversely proportional to the number of users. This causes the speed to deteriorate during peak hours. The cable company may offer a discount for ordering both cable TV and cable broadband service from them. However, a survey report states that 24% of all cable connections need to be repaired at some point or the other. DSL connections are comparatively better, where only about 12% need to be repaired.

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A modem is usually provided free of charge with the package, which can be either external or internal to the CPU. It can even be a part of the set-top box.

To connect to Internet at much faster speeds, cable modems use existing cable-wire network. As the same line is shared with other users in the area, it could lead to congestion problems and other such performance related issues. The speed is much higher in the case of DSL and not too expensive either.

Cable networks share the line that compromises on privacy. Hacking tools are easier to use on cable modems. It is possible to access secure information through them.

In a recent ruling, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) classified cable-modem service as an $%:informative service$%:, thereby distinguishing it from cable or telecommunication services. This means that now the large ISPs do not have to share their network with smaller competitors.

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